Our Work in Serbia
Jesuit Refugee Service in Serbia identified a problem of insufficient accommodation capacity in the government system of protection of unaccompanied and separated children refugees and forced migrants in Serbia, and in May 2017 initiated the project of Integration House “Pedro Arrupe”- Shelter for children refugees.
Since then, we have provided food and accommodation, access to health services, education, socialization, and integration to more than a hundred child refugees who were identified as victims of violence, exploitation, smuggling, and potential victims of human trafficking and criminal abuse. Integration House capacity is 12 boys (15 is the technical maximum). Attention and care for children are provided 24 h a day, 7 days a week.
In addition to Integration House activities, JRS Serbia is implementing activities directed to Strengthening of Integrated Protection System for Refugees and Migrants in Serbia. This area of support is directed to improving position and access to government services for refugees of both genders, especially to UASC and to families with children. Exchange of information and knowledge with colleagues from other NGOs and government institutions and solving problems for each child is creating a path to more efficient advocacy and assistance in the future.