
Our Work in Kosovo

Even though Kosovo is seen as a transit country, the number of asylum seekers is increasing significantly year by year. This is why during 2020 two new asylum seekers centers were open bringing the number to 3 Reception Centers in all Kosovo. 

JRS Kosovo works in all 3 Reception Centers:  

  1. Magure Center (located in Lipjan,20 km from Pristine)
  2. Vranidoll Center (10 km from Pristine)
  3. Belvedere Center (located in Mitrovica, 40 km from Pristine). 

The main activities we offer are Albanian language courses, computer courses, psychosocial support, medical support, providing food items, and hygienic supplies. 

JRS Kosovo is the only organization present every day in the centers accompanying asylum seekers in their daily challenges, finding out the needs and together with them finding the solutions for each asylum seeker.   

Albanian Language Course with Asylum Seekers.
