
Our Work in Lebanon

Lebanon grapples with alarming levels of food insecurity, a healthcare system in decline, and a failing education system. The escalating inflation, combined with limited access to essential services, compounds the crisis, adversely impacting more vulnerable individuals each day. The enduring economic downturn further strains the resilience of both Lebanese and refugees, casting a shadow over their ability to weather these challenging times. Moreover, the recent attacks in the country have forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes.

Today, JRS Lebanon continues to respond to new and protracted displacement issues, education crises, mental health struggles, and a reduction in livelihoods, in a vulnerable Lebanese society where challenges are worse than ever.


See Our Work

JRS staff conducting home visits to support those affected by Beirut explosion which rocked the city on August 4, 2020. Photo Credit: Nadine Malli/JRS Lebanon.
