JRS West Africa


With a regional office in Yaoundé, JRS West Africa has been present in Chad since 2006, Central African Republic since 2009, Cameroon since 2015, and recently began operations in Nigeria in 2018.

JRS West Africa serves nearly 6,500 displaced people in Central African Republic (CAR), 3,000 children who fled from CAR to seek refuge in eastern Cameroon, and 55,000 Sudanese refugees living in 12 refugee camps in eastern Chad.

Efforts in this region focus on education, protection, and psychosocial support. The education programmes cover formal education (kindergarten, primary, secondary and post-secondary education), teacher training, and non-formal education, such as adult literacy and vocational training. JRS West Africa is also particularly dedicated to child protection, girls education, and psychosocial support for child soldiers, including reconciliation workshops to foster social cohesion.

See Our Work

Students perform a play to educate the community about the devastating effects of child marriage. (Jesuit Refugee Service)


Regional Office :

Yaoundé, Cameroon

+237 243579 464

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