JRS Europe

Number of people served in 2020: 61,381

Based in Brussels, the regional office of JRS in Europe facilitates a network of 20 country offices through common planning and project work. JRS Europe advocates for refugees’ rights at the European Union level and ensures their voices are heard by policymakers.

JRS Europe advocates for the respectful and fair treatment of forced migrants affected by European policy by defending their access to the procedures and reception that are guaranteed basic rights enshrined in international law. It advocates at the European Union level and ensures that policymakers hear refugees’ voices. JRS Europe coordinates the advocacy work on European issues in cooperation with the country offices.

The regional office also facilitates a network of JRS country offices through common planning and project work. In many countries across Europe, JRS gives direct support to forced migrants and refugees, especially those who are forgotten and have the greatest need. JRS Europe has several projects to assist asylum seekers and other forced migrants in detention as well as community initiatives promoting hospitality and social inclusion.

JRS Europe works towards building a Europe that welcomes, protects, and integrates refugees while fostering inclusive societies that promote the value of hospitality.

See Our Work

Music class in the park as part of the Welcome Youth, an integration project run by JRS France (Federico Zaa / Jesuit Refugee Service).
A refugee boy blows bubbles in the streets of Hungary. (Kristóf Hölvényi)
A migrant an her child rest outside a tent as refugees and migrants wait to continue their journey towards western Europe from the Macedonia-Serbia border at a transit camp in the village of Presevo, Serbia, February 2, 2016. (Darrin Zammit Lupi)



Regional Office:

Brussels, Belgium

Tel. +32 2 554 02 25

Regional Director:

Jose Ignacio Garcia SJ

Visit the JRS Europe Website