Beyond Borders: Jesuit Refugee Service/USA 2023 Annual Report
20 June 2024

With increased war and conflict across the world, escalating climate crises, and continued contention along the US-Mexico border, to name just a few areas of concern, we reflect somberly on 2023. However, the generosity of JRS supporters continues, enabling us to provide care, encouragement, and hope in 58 countries.
The JRS/USA 2023 Annual Report, Beyond Borders, outlines how our donors’ compassionate support has been a lifeline for our global teams. This support enables our teams to offer emergency aid and programmatic resources and directly impacts the lives of refugees who, in their search for a better life, have had to leave their homes and families.
Additionally, 2023 was a significant year of transition for JRS, as we bid farewell to retiring president Joan Rosenhauer and welcomed new president Kelly Ryan, an experienced diplomat and attorney with an impressive 30-year career in refugee and asylum law, migration management, and human rights law and policy.
Our commitment, with our donors’ support, goes beyond borders. Read the report below.