Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Supports Biden Admin Refugee Admissions Increase to 125K in FY2022
12 October 2021

Last week, the Biden Administration announced the final determination of refugee admissions for fiscal year 2022. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA again commended the Administration for increasing the number of refugee admissions to 125,000, while acknowledging the growing need which led to its previous request to increase the number to 200,000 refugees. It also encouraged the Administration and Congress to allocate sufficient funding and remove any barriers still in place to ensure the allocated slots can be used by refugees waiting to be resettled. According to recent reports, only 11,411 refugees were admitted in FY2021 due to the devastated state of the refugee admissions program. Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Director of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, released the following statement:
“Jesuit Refugee Service/USA applauds the President’s decision to double the refugee cap number for fiscal year 2022 and for fulfilling his campaign promise to raise the number to 125,000. In light of the Afghan refugee crisis, we encouraged the Administration to set a cap sufficient to meet the global need and hoped this number would be even higher. However, this number represents a significant improvement and an important signal to the world that the United States is returning to its long-standing position to welcome the stranger.”
“Our hope now is that those fleeing conflict and persecution can apply for, qualify, and ultimately find shelter in the United States. The world is facing the highest levels of displaced people in recent history. Yet according to numbers released by the Department of State last month, only 11,411 refugees were able to successfully enter the United States in 2021 as a result of COVID-19 and restrictions put in place during the Trump Administration. These policies made it practically impossible for people to successfully qualify to enter our country. We urge the Biden Administration to do more to fully reverse President Trump’s inhumane refugee policies and to work with Congress to provide sufficient funding levels to support this increase to the refugee cap.”