Statement: State of the Union Misses Opportunity to Address Humanitarian Needs
08 February 2023

During President Biden’s second State of the Union address delivered last night, he highlighted the importance of continued U.S. support for Ukrainians almost one year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA (JRS/USA) urges Congress to follow suit by continuing to prioritize humanitarian assistance for Ukrainians, and all those forcibly displaced from their homes, in the FY24 appropriations process. JRS/USA also urges the President to prioritize policies that ensure that the U.S. welcomes those arriving at our own borders seeking safety and protection.
“President Biden’s State of the Union recognized the importance of passing comprehensive immigration reform, yet it was a missed opportunity to address his Administration’s approach to meeting the challenges faced by the U.S. asylum system,” said Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Director, JRS/USA. “While the Administration has expanded its use of humanitarian parole, this program excludes the most vulnerable from applying and is a short-term solution that will leave even those accepted in legal limbo. We urge the Administration to work with Congress to develop a more sustainable approach to reforming the U.S. asylum system so that anyone with a protection need can safely petition for asylum in the U.S. with the dignity they deserve.”
To learn more about JRS/USA advocacy on asylum, please visit this page.