2023 Easter Prayer
31 March 2023|Clara Sayans |Spiritual Reflection and Resources
‘He came up and he walked along with them’
Luke 24:15
This Easter season we ask you, Lord, to be present in our lives and continue to invite us to look lovingly onto our world; a world that is so sadly plagued by war, separated by borders, and traveled by so many displaced people.
We remember that the disciples were also afraid to go out and share what they had experienced. Lord Jesus come into our lives and inspire us with your love and fidelity which will empower us to go out and tell the world that another reality of justice for the most forgotten people, for refugees, is possible.
May our hearts burn when we remember all what you did for us and may this fire spark other fires in our search for a society more committed to peace, education, equity, and defense of our common home. All of these are fundamental factors in our commitment to our refugee brothers and sisters.
Give us the serenity to accompany them, even when the injustice of their reality overwhelms us, as you did with Lazarus.
Give us conviction to serve their needs, even when we do not know where to start, as you did with the blind man, the leper, and the widow.
Give us a loud voice to defend their rights, even when we feel that we will not be heard, as you did until death.
Lord, continue to invite us to stand up and walk alongside the most vulnerable and marginalized people, especially migrants and refugees. We want to offer safe harbor, a loving welcome, and hope for so many who are in transit, so often shunned or ignored. Nourish, by your example and presence in our lives, our desire to remain committed to the lives of so many people forced to leave their homes.
And like Thomas, may we end up believing in your Resurrection through the testimonies of strength, hope and resilience of all those who, although in need, become a driving force in their new communities.