A Prayer for Refugees During the Time of COVID-19
10 March 2025|Spiritual Reflection and Resources

Though most of us are vulnerable to COVID-19 as it continues to spread around the world, migrants and refugees remain particularly vulnerable – living in over crowded conditions where social distancing is not possible, and with lack of access to appropriate healthcare. Use this prayer to help guide your intentions for the protection of our forcibly displaced brothers and sisters at this time.
God of new life,
As your people seek refuge in a time of uncertainty,
When borders are closed, resettlement halted, and services limited,
May your presence be known:
You have not abandoned them, the refugees.
When Mary wept at your tomb, you came to her.
Unrecognized at first, but you were there
With arms open to receive.
May we, the global community, imitate you,
Bringing comfort to the brokenhearted here on earth.
When all seems lost along the journey, with the world sealed off,
may we be there, despite the distance,
With arms open to receive.
Learn more about how COVID-19 is impacting refugees and how JRS is responding.