JRS Mexico: A Mother Finds Safety with her Children
07 May 2022
Around the world, parents are fleeing war, violence, and persecution with their children as they journey in search of safety. In Mexico, 2021 saw a record number of asylum applications with children making up 24 percent of those seeking protection.
Helen, a mother of two young daughters and a 12-year-old son, is one of those asylum seekers. She arrived in Mexico from Guatemala in early 2021 fleeing domestic abuse at the hands of her partner. With the help of JRS Mexico, she presented her case to the Mexican authorities and was recently granted permanent refugee status.
As a single mother on her own, Helen has the odds stacked against her. But she’s doing everything in her power to take care of her children and build a new life for herself and her family. In addition to legal support, JRS provided Helen with some cash assistance to start a small business. She also enrolled her older son in school and her middle daughter started kindergarten.
Last year, JRS Mexico provided legal services to over 8,000 people petitioning for asylum in Mexico. A team of five lawyers and one paralegal work closely with JRS psychosocial support specialists to ensure that asylum seekers are provided with all of the wrap-around services they may need including emergency cash assistance, food, clothing, and help finding housing.