Dying to Live: Resources for Lent
19 February 2020

Last week JRS co-published, Dying to Live: Stories from Refugees on the Road to Freedom, a compelling collection of stories from refugees written by JRS International Director of Reconciliation Programs, Danielle Vella. The stories bring light to the often perilous journey of those who have been forcibly displaced. So many of them risk everything so that they might live.
As we enter Lent next week, that message resonates, and we can see Christ in people who have been forcibly displaced. We encourage you to use Lent to take time to reflect and encounter refugees.
Resources for Lent
Book Discussion Guide
Read Dying to Live with a group form your school, parish, or community and engage in conversation about refugees and their experience and what you can do to share their stories and provide a culture of welcome. Click here to download our Dying to Live discussion guide.
Stations of the Cross
Journey with Christ, as you journey with displaced people through our Stations of the Cross. The Stations allow you to pray for refugees, while reflecting on the crucifixion. Click here to download.
Daily Prayer
Prayer allows us to deepen our relationship through mutual understanding. Check out our 40 Prayers for 40 Days, and use it as a guide to focus your lenten prayer on refugees. You can also actively pray and accompany refugees by knowing their stories, follow us on social media and sign up to receive our monthly newsletter.