Threads of Memory: Refugee Communities in Amman Photo Essay
17 November 2023|Silvia Mazzocchin/JRS Jordan

Memories are like threads of a colorful and embroidered dress.They are woven together, they draw a pattern, they create the fabric of our personality that we bring along our lives, and that continuously get enriched by new colors, patterns, threads based on the challenges, the successes, and the encounters.
For people on the move, displaced, and refugees, the memories of their countries of origin become visible in the simple gestures of daily life… food, language, dances, music, and clothes. Traditional dresses, for example, often are related to memories of their roots and country, to celebrations, time shared with family, traditions.In these photos, people who had to flee from their country share their story, their threads of memories, courage and strength.They tell us what brought them to Jordan, and what they carry with them on their ongoing life journeys
Meet members of the refugee community in Amman, Jordan as they share the threads that weave their lives together.