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Amplify JRS/USA for 2025 Advocacy Day. Fund Critical Refugee Aid!

JRS/USA Advocacy Day – Fund Critical Refugee Aid

JRS/USA Heads to Capitol Hill to Advocate for Refugees – Your Voice Matters 

This week, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)/USA is taking action on Capitol Hill, meeting with lawmakers to advocate for continued and increased US support for refugees worldwide. You can be part of this effort. 

We ask for robust funding in FY 2026 for US refugee assistance programs and that appropriated funding this year be provided for unlawfully terminated or reinstated refugee programs. Without action from Congress, these funds will not be forthcoming for life-saving programs.  Funding could continue to be denied this year and be insufficient next year to meet the needs of the global refugee crisis. 

We are urging policymakers to: 

  • Fund International Disaster Assistance (IDA) and Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) beyond FY 2024 base levels in FY 2026. These accounts support lifesaving, essential programs. 
  • Pass a full appropriations Act for  FY 2026, which includes clear guidance on the use of refugee assistance funds. 
  • Unlock refugee assistance funding this year for programs that have been reinstated or unlawfully terminated. 

These programs account for just 0.0012 of US spending at a time when there are 123 million forcibly displaced people—two-thirds of whom live in low-income countries. These programs save lives, support self-sufficiency, and contribute to global stability. 

You can help. Contact your Members of Congress today and urge them to take action.