Where We Work
JRS helps refugees around the world.
JRS Regional Offices
If you need to get in touch with us, please contact the closest JRS office.
JRS International Office
International Office
Rome, Italy
+39 06 69868623
JRS IO Website
JRS Asia Pacific
JRS Eastern Africa
JRS Europe
Regional Office:
Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 554 02 25
JRS Europe Website
JRS Latin America and The Caribbean
JRS Middle East and North Africa
Regional Office:
Beirut, Lebanon
JRS MENA Facebook Page
JRS North America
USA Office:
Washington DC, United States of America
+1 202 629 5200
JRS USA Website
JRS Southern Africa
Regional Office:
Johannesburg, South Africa
+27 11 618 3403
JRS South Africa Facebook Page
JRS South Asia
JRS West Africa
Regional Office:
Yaoundé, Cameroon
+237 243579 464
JRS West Africa Facbook Page